Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Jude, Enoch, and the Hybrids"

In the following **very sobering** Biblical commentary, Ron Graham, (speaking mainly from what is written in the Bible book of Jude), talks about how that the offspring, (which are called "Hybrids" or "Nephilim") of sexual unions between demonic, fallen angels and human women are continuing **even today** in the wicked plan of Satan and his demonic forces of evil to try to totally contaminate the human race, much like they did before the world-wide flood of Noah.

And, just like that demonic contamination of the human race that happened many thousands of years ago that brought about the judgment of Almighty God through the world-wide flood of Noah's day, so to will this present day contamination of the human race by these evil and soul-less "Hybrid" beings be a BIG "contributing factor" that will bring about the swift and devastating judgments of Almighty God down upon this Earth AFTER the up-coming Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ takes place.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this Biblical commentary by Ron Graham, which is titled, "Jude, Enoch, and the Hybrids" :

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

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