Tuesday, April 10, 2018

"Lordship Salvation --- Caught Between Grace and Works"

In the following video, Dr. Ralph "Yankee" Arnold preaches about a subject that is called Lordship Salvation.

The phrase Lordship Salvation sounds Scriptural and appears Biblical. So what's the big deal? Is TRUE Biblical Salvation by grace or is it by works? To simplify, Lordship Salvation says that is both, and it is un-Scriptural and un-Biblical. It means the difference between living a defeated life or a victorious one. It means the difference between being on PROBATION in this life under Lordship Salvation, and being FREE indeed eternally, in Jesus Christ through saving faith in Him ALONE, which is TRUE Biblical Salvation.
True Biblical Salvation, ***which is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone***, is eternal, not temporary. 

Here is why it is incumbent upon believers to reject the doctrine called Lordship Salvation:
If one must reform himself prior to being saved, then there will be nobody saved. If one must remain without sin after he is saved in order to remain saved, again, nobody will be saved.
It is the experience of every Christian and of those written about in the Scriptures that, no matter the degree of his disdain for his sin, it remains a part of his human character. So, if any are to be saved, salvation must be contingent ONLY upon the work that Jesus Christ did at Calvary and not upon anything else.

Some of today's Bible teachers will tell you differently. They speak out of both sides of their mouth telling us, "It's grace BUT..." --- The Lordship Salvation legalist may attempt to argue away the inherent contradictions in their doctrine, but the contradictions cannot be explained away.
Lordship Salvation-ism is a dichotomy. It is legalism. It is Roman-ism. It is impossible.
It is another Gospel.

Jesus Christ is still Lord whether you make Him Lord of your life or not. You are relinquishing Lordship of YOUR life when you trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior. You are saying "I want YOU to be my Lord, I am trusting in YOU alone for this life and the life to come. I am surrendering my will to you Lord". That's what true Biblical salvation is, recognizing Christ's Lordship over EVERY sphere and surrendering to that. In that process you are saved because you recognize Him for who He is; the Creator, the One who knit you together in the womb, He's the faithful One, giving your life meaning and purpose and fulfillment. He's the One who is the Sovereign of the universe and you are submitting, bowing down to His Lordship. You are confessing that He is Lord. That's what it means to be saved. You are saved from yourself.
Jesus Christ is the Lord. He is the Savior. He is eternal and so is Salvation. 

"Jesus said "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."
Revelation 3:20

 The Gospel of our Salvation is this:
"Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures."
1 Corinthians 15:1-4

This video features Dr. Ralph "Yankee" Arnold. A real spiritual trooper this guy, he brings a whole new meaning to what the word "apostleship" should be. Now, with over 40 years of teaching the truth, Dr. Arnold is the pastor of the Calvary Community Church of Tampa, Florida.
He brings the simple facts toward the simplest decision of choosing Jesus Christ's unmerited favor from God our Creator, over living a life trying to hammer out His favor and forgiveness through works of our own.

So, the question to the works/grace 'tweener person would be:
Did our Savior die in vain that we would try to do this on our own to GAIN our Salvation from Hell and the Lake of Fire?

We who are saved believers in Jesus Christ are not defeated! We are ETERNALLY VICTORIOUS through the undeserved forgiveness that Jesus Christ freely gives to the believer. When He, The Son of God paid the price on that ugly cross He said: "It is FINISHED!"

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Lordship Salvation --- Caught Between Grace and Works"


Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")

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