Wednesday, September 30, 2020

******* "Stand Therefore, Having Your Loins Girt About With Truth" *******

What does the armor of the Bible Book of Ephesians, Chapter 6 represent? Should it be materialized? The answer is no, and, in the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches *****AN EXCELLENT AND VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he explains how to "have your loins girt about with truth."

*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 13 minutes and 45 seconds into this video.*******

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "9/17/2020 --- Eph. 6:14 --- Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth" :     

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")     

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

******* "Biblical Timeline --- Part 5" *******

  In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches  *****AN EXCELLENT, IN-DEPTH AND VERY BIBILICALLY INFORMATIVE MESSAGE***** in the fifth of a series of *****EXCELLENT***** messages from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he teaches us about the timeline of the Bible. 

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Biblical Timeline --- Part 5"            

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")      

Monday, September 28, 2020

******* "Life Within Death" *******

 In Colossians, Chapter 2, Verse 20, Christians are told that we are “dead with Christ”. In 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15, Verse 22, Christians are told that we are “made alive” in Christ. How can the born-again believer be both alive and dead at the same time? In the following video, Pastor James Knox preaches an *****EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT***** message from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he explains this perplexing enigma.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Life Within Death | Romans 8 --- Lesson 8" :      

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher)            

******* "God's Operation, Did You Get It?" *******

In the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches *****A VERY, VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he examines the Bible passages of Colossians, Chapter 2, Verses 11 through 14 and Ephesians, Chapter 4, Verse 24.

*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 16 minutes and 30 seconds into this video.*******

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "9/13/2020 --- God's Operation, Did You Get It?" :   

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")    

Saturday, September 26, 2020

******* "Satan --- His Calamity" *******

 In the following video, Pastor Richard Jordan preaches *****AN EXCELLENT AND VERY, VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible).   

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Satan --- His Calamity" :    

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")     

******* "Prophecy Update" *******

In the following video, Dr. Andy Woods and Tomalea Bench talk about the recent prophetic forces, both domestically and internationally, that are pushing us into the end times scenario. Nancy Pelosi and Earth worship, the religious left and Tim Keller, FOX News and it’s liberal drift, the mounting national debt, and Israel and the two-state solution are among the topics discussed.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "PPOV Episode 137 --- Prophecy Update --- Dr. Andy Woods and Tomalea Bench" :             

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")            

Friday, September 25, 2020

******* "The End --- Part 1" *******

In the following video, Pastor Jack Hibbs preached *****A VERY, VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talked about the encouraging Biblical promise of The End. Pastor Hibbs said that born-again, saved believers in the Lord Jesus Christ should be confident with Godly conduct and hope, as we who are saved believers focus on Jesus Christ's imminent return in the Rapture of the Church, and that we live focused lives to glorify Him and enjoy our God forever.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The End --- Part 1 --- 2 Peter 3:10-13"       

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")      

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

******* "The A.I. Invasion --- Part 7" *******

 In the following video, Pastor Billy Crone continues on with the forty-fourth part of a series of messages from the Word of God, (the Bible), about the Biblically prophesied End Times.   

*******Pastor Crone's message starts at approximately 29 minutes and 00 seconds into this video.******* 

*****During the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Crone shares with us ***A VERY CLEAR*** Gospel presentation in which he tells us how that a person can have ALL of their sins forgiven and be made RIGHT with Almighty God FOREVER, the Bible's way!!*****   

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Billy Crone --- The A.I. Invasion --- Part 7"        

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")        

Monday, September 21, 2020

******* "Introduction to the Complete Armor of God" *******

In the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches *****AN EXCELLENT AND VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he gives us an introduction into exactly what is the Armor of God and how that it applies to my life as a saved believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 19 minutes and 30 seconds into this video.*******

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "9/10/2020 --- Intro to the Complete Armor" :       

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")        


Saturday, September 19, 2020

******* "No Spirit, No Salvation" *******

 In the following video, Pastor James Knox preaches *****AN EXCELLENT AND VERY COMFORTING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talks about the Biblical ***TRUTH*** that EVERY saved believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has the Holy Spirit of God living inside of them, and that, the Holy Spirit of God who DOES live inside of the believer is able to give that believer EVERYTHING that they need to live a God-honoring Christian life THROUGH the power of the Holy Spirit who lives inside of them.  

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "No Spirit, No Salvation | Romans 8 --- Lesson 7" :      

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")   

******* "Biblical Timeline --- Part Four" *******

 In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches the fourth of a series of *****EXCELLENT***** messages from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he teaches us about the timeline of the Bible. 

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Biblical Timeline --- Part Four" :       

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")       

Friday, September 18, 2020

******* "The Day that Man Judged God" *******

In the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches *****A POWERFUL AND EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he looks at the trial of the Lord Jesus Christ from all four Gospels in which man the guilty one judged God the innocent one.

*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 19 minutes and 15 seconds into this video.*******

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "9/6/2020 --- The Day that Man Judged God" :     

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")      

Thursday, September 17, 2020

******* "Minding the Spirit" *******

The Word of God, (the Bible), teaches us that the moment we are saved, the Holy Spirit enters us, and we have the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives. It doesn’t matter what your vice is, what your addictions are, what your heartache is, or what your history is. The moment you accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross to wash away your sins, you are clean. You are new. You are saved from the fate of eternal death, and you are promised a future of eternal life. However, those events are both in the future—a future not in this world and not in this body. What then do our lives here in this present fallen, mortal world look like? Honestly, they will look like what you want them to look like. The Holy Spirit lives within you, and He will never leave you. He offers you His limitless power to transform your life into a life that is 100% dedicated to God and His Will. Life is within your grasp IF you choose to accept it. The Holy Spirit offers true Life here in this world of Death. Unfortunately, many, many, many Christians don’t want this Life. They want to escape Hell and go to Heaven, but they don’t want God to rule and reign in their lives on Earth. They don’t want Life; they want Death. They have walked away from their churches, their witness, their Christian teachers, their prayer lives, and even their Bibles. God has given them a choice— God or the world. It’s up to us. Life on this earth or Death? It’s your choice. It is possible that a Christian has spent decades close to God, but that same Christian today has nothing to do with Him. That same Christian has CHOSEN to refuse Life on Earth and embrace Death. It is his or her choice. God won’t force anyone to accept or obey Him. If we chose to accept Jesus Christ’s salvation, God promised to save us, and He always keeps His promise. However, He won’t MAKE you do anything with this life on Earth. It’s completely up to you. Today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year… Live in a state of victorious Life or suffer in a state of corrosive Death. What will you choose?

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Minding the Spirit | Romans 8 --- Lesson 6" :  

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")    


******* "Planetary Reset" *******

In the following video, Dr. Andy Woods and Tomalea Bench talk about the recent prophetic forces, both domestically and internationally, that are pushing us into the Biblically prophesied End Times scenario. Among the topics discussed are: --- the progress of critical race theory into academia and culture, the crack down on our liberty due to COVID-19 both at home and abroad, today’s "chicken little" mentality, global cultural Marxism, and, the new amorality.

 So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "PPOV Episode 137 --- Planetary Reset" :       


Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")    

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

******* "Biblical Timeline --- Part Three" *******

In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches the third of a series of *****EXCELLENT***** messages from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he teaches us about the timeline of the Bible. 

 So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Biblical Timeline --- Part Three" :       

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")    

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

******* "Satan and His Cohorts" *******

 In the following video, Pastor Richard Jordan preaches an *****EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT***** message from the Word of God, (the Bible), about Satan and Satan's "demonic partners and helpers."   

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Satan and His Cohorts --- Richard Jordan" :     

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")     

Sunday, September 13, 2020

******* "The Great Reset" *******

 In the following *****EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT***** Biblical commentary article, Pete Garcia talks about "The Great Reset" that the wicked, evil and sinful so-called "global elites" want to bring to our world where they want to totally stamp out any and all remaining vestiges of nationalism and totally "Reset" this world into a wicked and evil global "One World Order" government that will ultimately be lead by the Biblically prophesied End Times Antichrist himself.      

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this article, which is titled: --- "The Great Reset" :     

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")     

Saturday, September 12, 2020

******* "The Great Let Down or the Great Catching Up" *******

In the following video, Missionary/Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about the upcoming Rapture of the Church, and how that many Christians on YouTube are thinking that it will be happening ***VERY SOON NOW!!***

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The Great Let Down or the Great Catching Up"        

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")   

******* "What's Your User Name and Password?" *******

 In the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches *****A VERY, VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talks about ***THE ONLY PASSWORD*** that will give a person eternal life in Heaven with Almighty God FOREVER!! 

*****During the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Beaulieu shares with us ***A VERY CLEAR*** Gospel presentation in which he tells us how that a person can have ALL of their sins forgiven and be made RIGHT with Almighty God FOREVER, the Bible's way!!*****  

*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 22 minutes and 00 seconds into this video.*******   

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "8/30/2020 --- What's Your User Name and Password" :    

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")   

Friday, September 11, 2020

******* "The A.I. Invasion --- Part 6" *******

In the following video, Pastor Billy Crone continues on with the forty-third part of a series of messages from the Word of God, (the Bible), about the Biblically prophesied End Times.   

*******Pastor Crone's message starts at approximately 29 minutes and 45 seconds into this video.******* 

*****During the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Crone shares with us ***A VERY CLEAR*** Gospel presentation in which he tells us how that a person can have ALL of their sins forgiven and be made RIGHT with Almighty God FOREVER, the Bible's way!!*****   

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Billy Crone --- The A.I. Invasion --- Part 6" :       

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")      

Thursday, September 10, 2020

******* "Any Day Now --- Part 3" *******

In the following video, Pastor Jack Hibbs preaches ***A VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE*** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talks about how that we who are Christians are to be active, putting our faith into practice all the while anticipating the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let this be an encouragement and a wake-up call to put aside the weights and sin that easily ensnare us; let us repent and live a life of obedience out of love for the One Who saved us and Who will draw us up to be with Him.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Any Day Now --- (Part 3) // 2 Peter 3:1-9" :      

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")   

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

******* "The Beggar's Gospel" *******

In the following video, Missionary/Evangelist Robert Breaker explains the difference between the beggar's gospel, (of doing something with the MOUTH ONLY), and the TRUE GOSPEL of salvation, (which is TRUSTING in what JESUS CHRIST DID with all your heart!)

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The Beggar's Gospel" :      

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")    

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

******* "Spiritual Liberty | Romans 8 --- Lesson 5" *******

In the following video, Pastor James Knox preaches *****A VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he builds on the Biblical view of freedom to examine the word “liberty”. Psalm 119, Verse 45 says, “And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.”
The liberty given to us through the Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for us does not give you the license to do anything — or nothing. Through Scripture, we learn that the liberty and grace given to the saved believer is freedom from the flesh, to keep the commandments of God. So why do many Christians refuse to live out this God-given liberty in their mortal lives here upon this Earth?

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Spiritual Liberty | Romans 8 --- Lesson 5" :             

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")     

Monday, September 7, 2020

******* "The Awful Reality of Hell" *******

In the following video, Pastor Charles Lawson preaches *****A VERY POWERFUL AND SOBERING MESSAGE***** about the Biblical TRUTH that ***EVERY PERSON*** who dies WITHOUT having trusted in the finished work of the death, the burial, and the Resurrection from the dead of the Lord Jesus Christ ***ALONE*** for the forgiveness of all of their sins WILL end up going to the HORRIFIC place called Hell, and then, on to the ***EVEN MORE HORRIFIC*** place that is called the Lake of Fire where that Christ rejecting person will exist for all of eternity in a place where they will experience everlasting *****HORRIFIC***** burning punishment for all of their sins FOREVER!! 

The main Bible passage that Pastor Lawson preached from for this message is The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 16, Verses 19 through 31. 

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The Awful Reality of Hell (Pastor Charles Lawson)" :   

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")   

Sunday, September 6, 2020

******* "Bible Prophecy Update --- September 6th, 2020" *******

In the following video, Pastor JD Farag talks about the massive deception that is creating a Satanic confusion, which is leading to the division and ensuing destruction which will *****quite probably very soon now***** usher in the Rapture of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and the subsequent arrival of the Antichrist AFTER the Rapture takes place.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Bible Prophecy Update --- September 6th, 2020" :      

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")      

Saturday, September 5, 2020

******* "The False Gospel of Critical Race Theory" *******

In the following video, Dr. Andy Woods and Tomalea Bench expose the false gospel of “Critical Race Theory.” Is liberation from oppression in the supposedly the systemically-racist United States of America, as is now being taught by countless mainstream evangelicals, really the true Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ?

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "PPOV 136 --- The False Gospel of Critical Race Theory" :         

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")           

Thursday, September 3, 2020

******* "This Age of Laodicea" *******

In the following video, Pastor Charles Lawson preached *****AN EXCELLENT MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talked about how that the Image of the Ancient Laodicean Church--(With the Lord Jesus Christ on the outside) -- that is talked about in the Book of Revelation, well depicts the delusion and deceptions of these End Times in which we are now quite probably in, (which are talked about in the Book of 2nd Thessalonians as well.) What is true? What is a ruse? The result of all of this Is confusion and the upshot of all of this is a rationalization for control--and for rescinding basic Constitutional freedoms. The Lord Jesus Christ will quite probably come soon for His Bride in the Rapture of the Church. --- As for the rest of the people who are left behind AFTER the Rapture talkes place: --- Don't take the Mark of the Beast !!!

The main Bible passages that Pastor Lawson preached from for this message are Revelation, Chapter 3, Verses 13 through 22; and, 2nd Thessalonians, Chapter 2, Verses 1 through 7.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "This Age of Laodicea --- (Pastor Charles Lawson)" :            

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")    

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

******* "The Beast at Our Door" *******

In the following *****EXCELLENT AND VERY INFORMATIVE***** Biblical commentary article, Jonathan Brentner talks about how that the foundations are ***EVEN RIGHT NOW*** being laid and implemented for the coming Biblically prophesied End Times New World Order "Beast system" of global world government that will be led by the evil and wicked Antichrist himself.   

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this article, which is titled: --- "The Beast at Our Door" :               

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")    

******* "Built In Dictionary in Our King James Bible --- Part 2" *******

In the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches a message which is the second one of a planned series of messages that will look at the unique character of the King James Bible in detail over the next several weeks on Thursday night from Pastor Beaulieu's home office.

*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 26 minutes and 45 seconds into this video.*******

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "8/27/2020 --- Built in Dictionary of Our King James Bible  --- Part 2"     

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")     

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

******* "A Fireside Chat" *******

If you want to do so, please join Pastor Rodney Beaulieu in "a fireside chat" in the following video as he talks about *****THE TOTAL IMPORTANCE***** of rightly-dividing the Word of God, (the Bible.)

*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 15 minutes and 45 seconds into this video.*******

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "8/31/2020 --- Fireside Chat" :   

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")