Tuesday, February 27, 2018

"Why I Love Jacob But Hate Esau"

In the following video, Pastor Ralph "Yankee" Arnold preaches an ***EXCELLENT***, Holy Spirit led-and-inspired message from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talks about the old sinful "flesh" nature that EVERY person is born with, AND, he also talks about the new "spiritual" nature that ONLY those people who trust the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE for the total forgiveness of their sins DO receive the very moment that they do trust Jesus Christ ALONE as their personal Lord and Savior for the total forgiveness of ALL of their sins.

*****During the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Arnold shares with us ***A VERY CLEAR*** Gospel presentation in which he tells us how that a person can have ALL of their sins forgiven and be made RIGHT with Almighty God FOREVER, the Bible's way!!*****

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Why I Love Jacob But Hate Esau"


Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")          

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