Sunday, July 10, 2016

"The Final Countdown (Update) --- The Willingness for the Mark of the Beast"

In the video which I have linked to below, (and finishing up with the ***final message*** of this series of Biblical End Times messages), Pastor Billy Crone of The Sunrise Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada talks about a number of different ways that the vast majority of the general human population of planet Earth is being made ready and even ***WILLING*** to take the upcoming Biblically prophesied End Times Mark of the Beast.

The main Bible passages that Pastor Crone preached from for this message are Revelation 14:6-11; Matthew 24:4-5,10-11,23-25; and, Luke 21:28.

*****During the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Crone shares with us ***A VERY CLEAR*** Gospel presentation in which he tells us how that a person can have ALL of their sins forgiven and be made RIGHT with Almighty God FOREVER, the Bible's way!!*****

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The Final Countdown (Update) --- The Willingness for the Mark of the Beast --- Billy Crone":

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")     

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