Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Zero Hour"

In the following short; but also, excellent and ***VERY informative*** Biblical commentary article, Donna Wasson talks about the **MANY, MANY EVENTS** that are coming up on and around March 20th, 2015; ***(WHICH IS ONLY THREE DAYS AWAY AS I WRITE THIS BLOG POST!!)***, all of which indicate that we are, just maybe, at the time now when Almighty God is going to Rapture His Church of truly saved, born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ off of this Earth, and then, the Biblically prophesied **HORRIFIC** seven-year Tribulation period will begin for all of the people who are left behind here upon this Earth AFTER the Rapture of the Church!!

*** The bottom line is that it looks as though time is ***very rapidly running out now*** for anyone to get saved BEFORE the Rapture of the Church and to avoid having to suffer living under the rule of the AntiChrist in the post-Rapture seven-year Tribulation period!! ***

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this article, which is titled: --- "Zero Hour" :


Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")     

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