Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"The Final Countdown (Update) Modern Technology --- Billy Crone"

Well, Pastor Billy Crone is continuing on here in his series of Biblical End Times messages; (these messages are an ***update*** to Pastor Crone's previous "Final Countdown" series of 50 video messages that I have linked to previously here on "My End Times Blog.") 

In this particular video message, (which I have linked to below), Pastor Crone gives us an update of the current ***amazingly swift*** progress of knowledge and technology that shows us that the Rapture of the Church and the subsequent HORRIFIC seven-year Tribulation period that follows the Rapture of the Church could happen ***at any time now!!***

The main Bible passages that Pastor Crone preached from for this message are Genesis 3:4-5; Daniel 12:1-4; Revelation 11:3-10; Revelation 13:2-4; and Luke 21:28.

***** During the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Crone shares with us a VERY CLEAR Gospel message in which he tells us **plainly** how that a person can have all of their sins forgiven and be made RIGHT with Almighty God ***forever***, the Bible's way!! *****

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The Final Countdown (Update) Modern Technology --- Billy Crone" :


Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")

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