Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Times That Try Men's Souls"

Here is an End Times Biblical commentary by Ron Graham in which he says, in a small quote from the following commentary: ---  "Jesus warns the last remaining generation prior to His return that they will be overwhelmed by three specific ever recurring events, which are earthquakes, pestilence, and famines. Interestingly we're all witnesses to the fact that all three are increasing in frequency and intensity just like birth pangs."

In the following commentary, Graham goes a bit in-depth as to how that each one of these three End Times signs, and the huge increase in the frequency and the intensity of every one of these three signs, are a HUGE INDICATOR that the return of Jesus Christ to Rapture His Church of born-again, saved believers off of this Earth, and, the subsequent start of the **HORRIFIC** seven-year Tribulation period that will follow the Rapture of the Church **could happen at any time now!!**

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this sobering; but also very Biblically informative commentary article by Ron Graham:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

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