Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello there everyone!

Hello there everyone!

My name is Steve.

I have been a saved, born-again believer in my Lord Jesus Christ for more than 28-and-one-half years now.

During my years as a saved Christian, my Lord has developed within me an **intense and deep interest** in the things of the End Times of our planet Earth that are talked about in the Bible.

I view pretty much everything in life and in the news from around the globe up against just HOW that it all relates to the End Times here upon this Earth.

Because I am **VERY EAGERLY** looking forward to the return of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Him to come and Rapture off of this Earth ALL of us who are His saved, born-again servants, I have been getting **more and more excited** as this year of 2011 rolls on, because, as we get deeper and deeper into this year of 2011, I see world events **everywhere** lining up **more and more all the time** with what is described in the Bible as to just what that the overall world conditions will be when the return of Jesus Christ to Rapture His Saints off of this planet Earth takes place.

Although the Bible clearly tells us that NO person knows the exact day and time that the Rapture will take place, the Bible DOES tell us that we can know that, when we see certain things happening around the world, that the Rapture could then happen **at any time at all**!!

Let me tell you that, in my humble Christian, Biblical opinion, from everything that I am now seeing taking place all around the world, that, (although, of course, I certainly do NOT know the exact date and time that it will happen), I am of the opinion that the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ could take place **AT ANY TIME NOW!!!!!**

So, in closing here, my main purpose in starting up this blog will be, (Lord willing), to mostly post links, (and brief descriptions of those links), to commentaries, videos, etc., that will talk about things such as different aspects of the Christian faith, world events and how that they relate to Bible Prophecy and the End Times, etc.

It is my prayer that the Lord will use this blog in a mighty way for HIS honor, and for HIS glory, and for HIS purposes, and all according to HIS will in every way!

Your Servant In Christ:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

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