Monday, November 25, 2013

"Time Is Almost Up"

In the following Biblical commentary article, Donna Wasson talks about the undeniable FACT that it appears that this present world as we now know it is coming to a rapid END, and that the Rapture of the Church might happen **at any time now!!**; and then, AFTER the Rapture of the Church, Almighty God is going to pour out His wrath upon this Christ-rejecting world in an absolutely **HORRENDOUS** time known as the seven-year Tribulation period!!

*** My dear unsaved friend, your time to repent of your sins and to receive Jesus Christ as your very own personal Lord and Savior could END AT ANY TIME NOW!!!!! ***

Without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this Biblical commentary article by Donna Wasson, which is titled: --- "Time Is Almost Up" :

Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")

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