Monday, May 20, 2013

"Baby... You Ain't Seen NOTHING Yet"

In the following sobering "wake up call" Biblical commentary, Don Twobears talks about the fact that, as bad as things are right now here upon planet Earth, the truth is that "You Ain't Seen NOTHING Yet", in that, after the upcoming Rapture of the Church, and DURING the subsequent **HORRIFIC** seven-year Tribulation period that follows the Rapture of the Church, that things upon this earth are going to be so **absolutely TERRIBLE and HORRENDOUS** here upon this Earth that Jesus Christ Himself talked about these upcoming times during the Tribulation period as being times that were **MORE terrible and horrendous** than any previous times leading up to the Tribulation period, and that these times of Tribulation will be more **terrible and horrendous** than ANY time here upon this Earth shall ever be!!

***My dear unsaved friend, please receive Jesus Christ as your very own personal Lord and Savior TODAY, because, tomorrow may be eternally too late!!!***

The main Bible passages that Don Twobears used for this commentary article are from Luke 21:7-28; Revelation 6:15-17; Mark 13:19-26; Matthew 7:13-14; and, John 3:16.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this BIG "wake up call" Bible commentary article by Don Twobears, which is titled, "Baby... You Ain't Seen NOTHING Yet" :

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

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