Monday, March 11, 2013

"Please Wake-Up, Please!"

Hello there everyone!

Below, I have quoted a portion of a commentary article by Tim Cameron that is titled, "Please Wake-Up, Please!"

My dear friends, the time for "playing games with God" has now pretty much **run out!**

If you still have NOT received Jesus Christ as your very own personal Lord and Savior, the times just ahead as going to be **horrendous** for you!

PLEASE, come to Jesus Christ today for salvation before it is eternally too late for you!  

Okay, here now is the quote from that commentary article:

"In the coming days there are going to be things happening based on the authority of God’s Word that are going to be so scary that “men’s hearts will fail them for fear.”

In light of the tremendous purchases in anxiety medicines, I think its safe to say that things like what are listed below have already gotten many people’s attention:

An estimated 1100 people hurt from debris of meteorite in Russia was “Breaking News.”

North Korea releases video of desired destruction to American cities while playing, “We Are the World.”

Fema Camps have been erected in ten US districts and it’s now mainstream news.

The US government seeks to disarm citizens while at the same time it purchases ammo for government institutions such as the Social Security Administration.

What does history record happens to societies when their leaders pursue gun control?

The US government sends 1.5 billion of the 46 cents of every dollar they are borrowing to the Muslim Brother Hood led Egypt and at the same time they are sending tanks and F-16 fighter jets.

Record government gold purchases are taking place here and across the globe.

UN troops are practicing urban war games in American cities and some US troops are torn and vexed in their allegiance.

Islam is ascending with such success that, Sharia Law, is establishing beachheads in major US cities, i.e. Dearborn, Michigan.

The anger of the Lord is being kindled because of such things.

“The nations that forget God shall be turned into HELL." God did not create this place to be turned into this time where everyone is shouting, “TURN OFF THE LIGHTS.”

Why is that cry so prevalent? “They love the darkness and hate the light because their deeds are evil.”

*****All hell is about to break loose and if you aren’t hidden in Christ you are a sitting duck. Satan himself has you in his sights and his lust is your damnation.*****

 His very nature is to steal, kill and to destroy. Nuclear arsenals have been built for his evil desires and use them he will. And he will have help. 

When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword” (Revelation 6:3-4).

Is it your desire to be a “survivor” and prep for such a time by buying up guns, ammo, gold, silver and food insurance? Do you think you are prepared to live through such a time?

Do you not believe this warning to be true?

*****It is my conviction that in the coming days there will be no such thing as atheism anymore, because God is going to make Himself known. You will either soften your heart and run toward God or harden your heart and run from God.*****

 Either way, if your heart's desire right now is not alive with a longing to be where Jesus is then you need to prepare to live through a time of the most tremendous grief and anguish this world has never known.

It is my prayer though that as you have been reading this message, that The Holy Spirit has been at work convincing you of the desperate time you are facing and you are even now asking if there is any hope or “What I must do to be saved?”

What must you do?

Realize you exist because you were created by: God. Your Creator gave you life and His laws to live by, but you have broken His laws and right now stand before your Creator GUILTY as a “law breaker” and deserve to die, and dying you are with each beat of your heart. You are dying but God in His goodness and mercy didn’t make you to do so. He wants you to live eternally and because of this very fact, just over 2,000 years ago He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to take your place.

Because of you and for you, He willingly allowed mankind to crucify Him on a cross for your sins and my sins. He then promised to prove that He is God and would rise from the grave and three days later He did that very thing and today an empty tomb shouts to the whole world, “He is alive!”

In order for you to be saved from the wrath to come you must ask forgiveness and repent:

“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:9).

If you have done this, If you have had your eyes opened to now hate what you used to love, if you now know that Jesus is the Savior of the world and even now your Savior, you will have passed from death to life and have in Jesus, the “Blessed Hope.” 

“We shall not all sleep but be changed, in the twinkling of an eye.”

Dear Father, it is my prayer that everyone who reads this will be so awakened to cry:
“Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly.”

In Christ,
Tim Cameron

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

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