Sunday, October 31, 2021
******* "Why God HAD to Create the Universe" *******
Thursday, October 28, 2021
******* "IF we confess our sins" *******
In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches *****AN EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "1 John 1:9 --- IF we confess our sins" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
******* "The Trial Continues --- Part 4 --- The Gospel in this Age" *******
Saturday, October 23, 2021
******* "Old Testament References Unlock the Book of Revelation" *******
In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches *****AN EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT AND IN-DEPTH MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "O.T. References unlock the Book of Revelation" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
******* "Walking in the Holy Spirit" *******
In the following video, Pastor Justin Johnson preaches the seventh message from the Word of God, (the Bible), in a series of Bible messages about how the Holy Spirit of God works. In this particular message, learn what it means to walk in the Spirit and how to check your walk daily.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Walking in the Spirit" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Monday, October 18, 2021
******* "The Trial Continues --- Part 3 --- The Ages" *******
In the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches another in-depth and thought-provoking message in the third part of a series of Bible messages in which he continues to examine a particular doctrine.
*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 12 minutes and 45 seconds into this video.*******
Saturday, October 16, 2021
******* "Understanding the Book of Revelation for Israel" *******
Friday, October 15, 2021
******* "Are You Ready for the Rapture? --- Part 10" *******
In the following video, Pastor Billy Crone preaches the tenth message in a series of messages from the Word of God, (the Bible), about the Biblically prophesied End Times Rapture of the Church and the subsequent ***HORRIFIC*** seven-year Tribulation period that follows the Rapture of the Church.
*******Pastor Crone's message starts at approximately 8 minutes and 15 seconds into this video.*******
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Billy Crone --- Are You Ready For The Rapture? --- Part 10" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
******* "Become Dead to the Law, Married to Him That is Raised From the Dead" *******
In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preached *****ANOTHER VERY, VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Become dead to the law, married to Him that is raised from the dead" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
******* "The Key to Understanding Bible Prophecy" *******
In the following video, Pastor James Knox preaches *****AN EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talks about how that the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9 is a key prophetic passage of Holy Scripture which provides a precise timeline for God's dealings with His people Israel from the day the commandment went forth to restore and to build the city of Jerusalem to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Daniel, Chapter 9 also speaks of the Antichrist as “the prince that shall come”, and prophesies of what he will do with the Jewish people in the future.
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Monday, October 11, 2021
******* "The Trial Continues --- Part 2" *******
In the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches another in-depth and thought-provoking message in the second part of a series of Bible messages in which he continues to examine a particular doctrine.
*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 9 minutes and 45 seconds into this video.*******
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "10/9/2021 --- The Trial Continues --- PT. 2" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Saturday, October 9, 2021
******* "The Newness of the Spirit vs. The Oldness of the Letter" *******
In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches *****A VERY, VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Newness of Spirit vs. oldness of the letter" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Friday, October 8, 2021
******* "Be Filled With The Holy Spirit" *******
In the following video, Pastor Justin Johnson preaches the sixth message in a series of Bible messages about how the Holy Spirit of God works. In this particular message, learn what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit and how to be filled with the Holy Spirit today.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Be Filled with the Spirit" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher)
Thursday, October 7, 2021
******* "Functional Death in the Believer" *******
In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches *****A VERY, VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Functional death in the believer" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
******* "Are You Ready for the Rapture? --- Part 9" *******
In the following video, Pastor Billy Crone preaches the ninth message in a series of messages from the Word of God, (the Bible), about the Biblically prophesied End Times Rapture of the Church and the subsequent ***HORRIFIC*** seven-year Tribulation period that follows the Rapture of the Church.
******* During the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Crone shares with us ***A VERY CLEAR*** Gospel presentation in which he tells us how that a person can have ALL of their sins forgiven and be made RIGHT with Almighty God FOREVER, the Bible's way!! *******
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Are You Ready for the Rapture? --- Part 9" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Monday, October 4, 2021
******* "The Trial Begins" *******
Here is a quote from Pastor Rodney Beaulieu: --- ""I have been hinting at bringing a doctrine on trial for our examination. The trial begins today.""
In the following video, Pastor Rodney Beaulieu preaches a thought-provoking message concerning what he talked about in his short quote above.
*******Pastor Beaulieu's message starts at approximately 17 minutes and 00 seconds into this video.*******
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "10/3/2021 --- The Trial Begins" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Sunday, October 3, 2021
******* "The Satanic Plot to Possess Heaven and Earth" *******
In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches *****ANOTHER EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The Satanic plot to possess Heaven and Earth" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Saturday, October 2, 2021
******* "Rightly Dividing the Fullness of Times" *******
In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches *****AN EXCELLENT, INSIGHTFUL, AND VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "Rightly dividing the fullness of times" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
******* "The Handwriting on the Wall" *******
In the following video, Pastor James Knox preaches *****AN EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talks about how that, in the Bible Book of Daniel, Chapter 5, the Lord delivers a cryptic message to Belshazzar, the king of Babylon who lived carelessly and defiled the holy vessels taken from God’s temple in Jerusalem. It was not a warning but a declaration that his doom was sure. In a single night Belshazzar lost his kingdom and he lost his life at the hands of the Medians. As pertaining to the image which Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream, (in Daniel, Chapter 2), the head of gold gives way to the breast and arms of silver and so begins the downward spiral of the great empires of the world.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The Writing on the Wall | Daniel --- Lesson 19" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
Friday, October 1, 2021
******* "The Hope of His Calling" *******
In the following video, Pastor Paul Lucas preaches *****A VERY, VERY, VERY ENCOURAGING MESSAGE***** from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talks about the wonderful and blessed true hope that belongs to EVERY person who has trusted in the death, the burial, and the Resurrection from the dead of the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE for the full and total forgiveness of ALL of their sins.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: ---"The hope His calling" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")
******* "The Holy Spirit's Leading" *******
In the following video, Pastor Justin Johnson preaches the fifth message in a series of messages from the Word of God, (the Bible), about how the Holy Spirit works. Learn what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit and how to know where the Holy Spirit wants to go.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this video, which is titled: --- "The Spirit's Leading" :
Steve --- ("End Times Watcher")