In the following *excellent* Bible commentary, Tim Cameron talks about different things that show us that the "time is probably very short now" before the Lord Jesus Christ comes to rapture His Church of saved believers off of this Earth, after which begins the **HORRIFIC** seven-year Tribulation period that will come down like a sledgehammer on every person who is left behind here upon this Earth AFTER the Rapture of the Church.
So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this *excellent*; (but also sobering for the unsaved unbeliever in Christ), Bible commentary article by Tim Cameron, which is titled, "Get Our House in Order!" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
Sunday, September 30, 2012
"When Your Time Comes"
Here, in the morning worship service from The Central Church of God from back on Sunday, September 23rd, 2012, Pastor Loran Livingston preached a **VERY** powerful message from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talked about the ULTIMATE BIBILCAL FACT that **every person** here on planet Earth needs to make sure that they TRULY are RIGHT with Almighty God BEFORE they die, because, IF a person dies in a Christ rejecting, unsaved state of being, that person WILL go to an absolutely **HORRIFIC** eternity of suffering and torment in Hell and the Lake of Fire, **forever** separated from Almighty God Himself!!
The main Bible passges that Pastor Livingston preached from for this message are from 1st Timothy 4:1; 2nd Thessalonians 2:3; Hebrews 10:26; Hebrews 6:4-6; 1st John 2:19; Luke 8:12-15; 2nd Timothy 4:3-4; and, 2nd Timothy 2:12.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this VERY POWERFUL Bible message from Pastor Loran Livingston:, September 23, 2012 Morning Message&vidId=1585
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
The main Bible passges that Pastor Livingston preached from for this message are from 1st Timothy 4:1; 2nd Thessalonians 2:3; Hebrews 10:26; Hebrews 6:4-6; 1st John 2:19; Luke 8:12-15; 2nd Timothy 4:3-4; and, 2nd Timothy 2:12.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this VERY POWERFUL Bible message from Pastor Loran Livingston:, September 23, 2012 Morning Message&vidId=1585
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
"Pins and Needles"
In the following powerful; but also, very sobering Bible commentary article, Donna Wasson talks about how that life as we currently know it here in the United States of America, (and, also, all around the entire world for that matter), is coming to a very rapid END!!
What is coming upon this world, (and WILL come in full force AFTER the Rapture of the Church), is an evil and wicked, demonically empowered and controlled world system that will be headed by the Antichrist, and, will be a literal "Hell on Earth" to live in for the unfortunate people who are left behind here upon this Earth AFTER the **any time at all now** Rapture of the Church.
Near the end of this commentary article, Donna Wasson tells the reader how that they can GET RIGHT with Almighty God so that they will NOT be left behind, and, so that they WILL go to be with Jesus Christ forever in the upcoming Rapture of the Church.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this powerful and sobering Biblical commentary article by Donna Wasson, which is titled, "Pins and Needles" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
What is coming upon this world, (and WILL come in full force AFTER the Rapture of the Church), is an evil and wicked, demonically empowered and controlled world system that will be headed by the Antichrist, and, will be a literal "Hell on Earth" to live in for the unfortunate people who are left behind here upon this Earth AFTER the **any time at all now** Rapture of the Church.
Near the end of this commentary article, Donna Wasson tells the reader how that they can GET RIGHT with Almighty God so that they will NOT be left behind, and, so that they WILL go to be with Jesus Christ forever in the upcoming Rapture of the Church.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this powerful and sobering Biblical commentary article by Donna Wasson, which is titled, "Pins and Needles" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
"Mid-East Prophecy Update -- September 16th, 2012"
Here, in the most recent edition of the "Mid-East Prophecy Update", Pastor JD Farag talks about the **REAL** reason behind all of these on-going Islamic uprisings and attacks on United States and Israel embassys in many parts of the world.
**Also, during the last two minutes of this video, Pastor Farag gives a simple Biblical explanation as to why that Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to reconcile sinful mankind to a totally Holy God in salvation!**
So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the September 16th, 2012 edition of the "Mid-East Prophecy Update" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
**Also, during the last two minutes of this video, Pastor Farag gives a simple Biblical explanation as to why that Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to reconcile sinful mankind to a totally Holy God in salvation!**
So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the September 16th, 2012 edition of the "Mid-East Prophecy Update" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
Monday, September 17, 2012
"The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 6 -- Billy Crone"
Well, Pastor Billy Crone of The Sunrise Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada is continuing on here in his series of End Times Bible messages; (this series of messages has the overall title of "The Final Countdown -- The Ultimate Version").
In this series of messages, Pastor Crone counts down 10 major signs that show us that we are **RIGHT NOW** in the Biblically prophesied End Times here upon this Earth leading into the Rapture of the Church and the **HORRIFIC** seven-year Tribulation period that follows the Rapture of the Church.
In this Bible message, (which I have linked to below), Pastor Crone preaches Part 6 of a series of Bible messages about End Times sign Number 7, which is the sign of "The Rise of Falsehood."
In this particular message, Pastor Crone talks about how that the Satanically led New Age movement is trying, even now, to exert their demonic control here upon this Earth through both food control AND population control, (which will only get MUCH worse AFTER the Rapture of the Church and during the seven-year Tribulation period that follows the Rapture of the Church.)
The main Bible passages that Pastor Crone preached from for this message are from 1st Timothy 4:1-5; Genesis 9:2-3; Colossians 2:16; Revelation 6:1-2, 5-6, 7-8; Revelation 9:15,18,20; and, from Luke 21:28.
Also, during the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Crone gives a **VERY CLEAR** Gospel presentation in which he tells us, from the Bible, how that you can be saved from your sins so that you will NOT go to Hell and the Lake of Fire after you die; but, instead, so that you can go to Heaven to be with Almighty God **forever** in a perfect paradise after you die; or, after the Rapture, (which ever comes first for you.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this End Times Bible message from Pastor Billy Crone, which is titled, "The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 6 -- Billy Crone" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
In this series of messages, Pastor Crone counts down 10 major signs that show us that we are **RIGHT NOW** in the Biblically prophesied End Times here upon this Earth leading into the Rapture of the Church and the **HORRIFIC** seven-year Tribulation period that follows the Rapture of the Church.
In this Bible message, (which I have linked to below), Pastor Crone preaches Part 6 of a series of Bible messages about End Times sign Number 7, which is the sign of "The Rise of Falsehood."
In this particular message, Pastor Crone talks about how that the Satanically led New Age movement is trying, even now, to exert their demonic control here upon this Earth through both food control AND population control, (which will only get MUCH worse AFTER the Rapture of the Church and during the seven-year Tribulation period that follows the Rapture of the Church.)
The main Bible passages that Pastor Crone preached from for this message are from 1st Timothy 4:1-5; Genesis 9:2-3; Colossians 2:16; Revelation 6:1-2, 5-6, 7-8; Revelation 9:15,18,20; and, from Luke 21:28.
Also, during the last few minutes of this video, Pastor Crone gives a **VERY CLEAR** Gospel presentation in which he tells us, from the Bible, how that you can be saved from your sins so that you will NOT go to Hell and the Lake of Fire after you die; but, instead, so that you can go to Heaven to be with Almighty God **forever** in a perfect paradise after you die; or, after the Rapture, (which ever comes first for you.)
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this End Times Bible message from Pastor Billy Crone, which is titled, "The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 6 -- Billy Crone" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
"Poor in Spirit"
Here, in the Sunday morning worship service at The Central Church of God from back on Sunday, September 2nd, 2012, Pastor Loran Livingston preached a VERY encouraging message from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he used the words of Jesus Christ Himself from the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5, Verse 3 to say that every person who sees themselves as being "poor in spirit", that is, that every person who sees themselves as having **nothing at all in and of themselves of any value at all to offer to God**, and, who fling themselves ONLY on the mercy of God and **totally trust the Lord Jesus Christ ALONE** to forgive them of ALL of their sins, that *every* person who does this is totally forgiven and accepted by Almighty God FOREVER as a saved child of His!!
The main Bible passages that Pastor Livingston preached from for this message are from Matthew 5:3; and, from 1st John 4:18.
So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this
VERY encouraging Bible message from Pastor Loran Livingston:, September 2, 2012 Morning Message&vidId=1573
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
The main Bible passages that Pastor Livingston preached from for this message are from Matthew 5:3; and, from 1st John 4:18.
So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this
VERY encouraging Bible message from Pastor Loran Livingston:, September 2, 2012 Morning Message&vidId=1573
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
Monday, September 10, 2012
"The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 5 -- Billy Crone"
Well, Pastor Billy Crone of the Sunrise Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada is continuing on here in his series of End Times Bible messages; (this series of messages has the overall title of, "The Final Countdown -- The Ultimate Version").
In this series of messages, Pastor Crone counts down 10 major signs that show us that we are **RIGHT NOW** in the Biblically prophesied End Times here upon this Earth leading up to the **anytime at all now** Rapture of the Church, and, the HORRIFIC seven-year Tribulation period that will follow the Rapture of the Church.
In this Bible message, (which I have linked to below), Pastor Crone preaches Part 5 of a series of Bible messages about End Times sign Number 7 -- which is the sign of "The Rise of Falsehood."
In this particular message, Pastor Crone talks about how that the "Environmental Movement" is pushing their agenda of New Age Movement lies through such things as Earth worship, "Green religion", goddess worship, etc.
Some of the Bible passages that Pastor Crone preached from in this message are from Romans 1:18-25; Revelation 9:20; Revelation 8:7, 9, 11; Revelation 17:3-6; and, from Luke 21:28.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this End Times Bible message by Pastor Billy Crone, which is titled, "The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 5 -- Billy Crone" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
In this series of messages, Pastor Crone counts down 10 major signs that show us that we are **RIGHT NOW** in the Biblically prophesied End Times here upon this Earth leading up to the **anytime at all now** Rapture of the Church, and, the HORRIFIC seven-year Tribulation period that will follow the Rapture of the Church.
In this Bible message, (which I have linked to below), Pastor Crone preaches Part 5 of a series of Bible messages about End Times sign Number 7 -- which is the sign of "The Rise of Falsehood."
In this particular message, Pastor Crone talks about how that the "Environmental Movement" is pushing their agenda of New Age Movement lies through such things as Earth worship, "Green religion", goddess worship, etc.
Some of the Bible passages that Pastor Crone preached from in this message are from Romans 1:18-25; Revelation 9:20; Revelation 8:7, 9, 11; Revelation 17:3-6; and, from Luke 21:28.
So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this End Times Bible message by Pastor Billy Crone, which is titled, "The Final Countdown (Ultimate Version) The Rise of Falsehood Part 5 -- Billy Crone" :
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
Saturday, September 1, 2012
"When Jesus Sits Down with Sinners"
Here, in the Sunday morning worship service at The Central Church of God in Charlotte, North Carolina from back on August 19th, 2012, Pastor Loran Livingston preached a **VERY** encouraging message from the Word of God, (the Bible), in which he talked about the fact that even we who are truly saved, born-again believers in our Lord Jesus Christ STILL struggle with sin, and, we will continue to do so UNTIL we go Home to be with our Lord in Heaven through death or through the Rapture of the Church.
But, even though we as saved believers in Jesus Christ STILL struggle with sin, Almighty God WILL use us to tell other people about Him, IF we are willing to be used by Him!!
The main Bible passages that Pastor Livingston used for this message are from Matthew 9: 9-13; Colossians 1: 14-15; and, from Ephesians 1: 1-6.
So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this VERY encouraging Bible message from Pastor Loran Livingston:, August 19, 2012 Morning Message&vidId=1564
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
But, even though we as saved believers in Jesus Christ STILL struggle with sin, Almighty God WILL use us to tell other people about Him, IF we are willing to be used by Him!!
The main Bible passages that Pastor Livingston used for this message are from Matthew 9: 9-13; Colossians 1: 14-15; and, from Ephesians 1: 1-6.
So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this VERY encouraging Bible message from Pastor Loran Livingston:, August 19, 2012 Morning Message&vidId=1564
Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
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