Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Infallible Proofs"

In the following **powerful** message from the Word of Almighty God from this past Easter Sunday morning's worship service at The Central Church of God, Pastor Loran Livingston preached a sermon in which he shared with us the truth that **JESUS IS ALIVE!!** and that His Resurrection from the dead is an utter and total reality that is supported by **many, many** infallible proofs!

Yes, indeed, the Resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ IS an ever-present reality and source of help, peace, joy, and MANY other things in the life of every saved, born-again believer in Him!!

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this powerful and encouraging message from the Word of God by Pastor Loran Livingston: 24 11 video_Central2.flv&vidTitle=Sunday, April 24, 2011&vidId=1071

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Did Jesus Say Anything About The Rapture"

In the following very brief; but also *very Biblically informative* commentary, Daymond Duck presents strong Biblical evidence that the Lord Jesus Christ actually DID talk about the up-coming Rapture of His Church of born-again, saved believers in Him!

Without further explanation, directly below is the link to this short commentary article by Daymond Duck:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"The Judgment of God is falling on America -- The Answer!"

In the following sobering commentary article, Bill Keller talks about the fact that Almighty God Himself has already started what are probably the final judgments that are going to continue to fall **more and more and worse and worse** upon the United States of America as we count down toward the Rapture of the Church and the subsequent *horrific* seven-year Tribulation period that is coming upon this Earth.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this commentary article by Bill Keller:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Saturday, April 23, 2011

"He Really Is Alive"

In the following Easter Bible message, Dr. David Jeremiah of "Turning Point" ministries shares with us a powerful message from the Word of God where he talks about the fact that Jesus Christ's miraculous act of His resurrection from the dead on Easter morning is the **very central foundation** upon which the Christian faith rests.

So, without any further explanation, directly below is the link to this powerful and Biblically insightful Easter message by Dr. David Jeremiah:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Friday, April 22, 2011

"Not By My Hand"

In the following message from the Word of Almighty God from this past Sunday's morning worship service at The Central Church of God, Pastor Loran Livingston preaches about the fact that we as born-again, saved believers in our Lord Jesus Christ need to realize that it is NOT by our hand; but **ONLY** by the powerful hand of Almighty God Himself working in and through us that the true and powerful plans and the working of God can make itself known and come forth in and through us for the honor and the glory of Almighty God alone!

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link for this sermon from this past Sunday morning, April 17th, 2011: 17 11 video_Central2.flv&vidTitle=Sunday, April 17, 2011&vidId=1066

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 15th, 2011 edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report"

In this, the most recent edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report", Hal Lindsey, (among other things), talks about the **very real possibility** that the nation of Israel might **very soon now** become one of the world's biggest owners of deposits of oil and natural gas right within the sovereign borders of Israel itself.

Also, right at the end of this week's video, Hal Lindsey says the following: --  "If anyone ever needed evidence that the Bible is true, the fulfillment of Prophecy before our eyes in just the last 60 days ought to be enough to convince anyone!"

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the April 15th, 2011 editon of "The Hal Lindsey Report":

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Fear Not"

In the following brief; but also *Biblically excellent* commentary article, Grant Phillips talks about the fact that, in the midst of the chaos and confusion and the fear that grip and control the hearts and lives of *so very many people* in this world today as they see things here upon this Earth spiraling out of control in so very many areas, that there is **ONLY ONE TRUE SOURCE** of true and lasting peace that is available to a person in this fallen world in which we presently live.

Yes, the truth of the matter is, that, as this world plunges headlong towards the up-coming horrific seven-year Tribulation period, the ONLY thing that can TRULY remove the fear from a person's heart and life is a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ!

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this *excellent* short commentary article by Grant Phillips:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Monday, April 18, 2011

In this, today's, (April 18th, 2011), edition of the Rapture Ready website's weekly cyber-newsletter, "Israel Watch", Jim Fletcher briefly talks about the fact that, although most of the present world seems to be trying to force a so-called "Palestinian state" down the collective throat of the nation of Israel, that, ultimately, Almighty God will bring His Divine judgment down upon the nations of the world for their attempting to do this to Israel.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this short commentary article by Jim Fletcher:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"For Those Who Wait for Him"

In the following sermon, (from the Sunday, April 10th, 2011 morning worship service at The Central Church of God in Charlotte, North Carolina), Pastor Loran Livingston preaches an *important* message from the Word of Almighty God about the need for us as saved believers in our Lord Jesus Christ to wait on the Lord in prayer.

The main Bible text that Pastor Livingston preached from for this message is from Isaiah, Chapter 64, Verses 4 through 8.

Without further explanation, here is the link to that sermon from Pastor Livingston: 10 11 video_Central2.flv&vidTitle=Sunday, April 10, 2011&vidId=1062

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Friday, April 15, 2011

"Prophecy On Fast Forward"

In the following commentary, (which is titled, "Prophecy On Fast Forward"),  Jack Kelley tells us that all of the momentous events that have been happening around the world very recently; (such as the Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear plant meltdowns, the other recent **very strong earthquakes** in other parts of the world, the massive civil and political unrest in the Islamic nations of the Middle East, the rapidly rising food and fuel prices, etc.); indeed, Jack Kelley tells us that these things, (and many others like them), are HUGE warning signs to un-saved un-believers in the Lord Jesus Christ that Almighty God's patience is rapidly running out, and, **after the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ**, that God is going to pour out His judgment and wrath upon this un-believing world during the up-coming seven-year Tribulation period that is coming upon planet Earth.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this commentary by Jack Kelley:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Lord, Lord"

In the following *excellent* commentary, (titled, "Lord, Lord"), Ron Graham talks about the fact that TRUE salvation in Jesus Christ involves NOT just doing "good works" for Him; but, TRUE, saving, Christian salvation involves having a **personal relationship** with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this *excellent* commentary by Ron Graham:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Well, here once again, is Pastor JD Farag preaching the second part of a message that he started in the previous video that I linked to in my most recent previous blog posting that I posted here earlier today here in "My End Times Blog."

Anyway, in the following video, Pastor Farag takes segments from that Iranian End Times documentary film, (which I talked briefly about in my previous blog post), and he shows how **very closely** that the Islamic "prophecies" about their coming 12th Imam Mahdi line up with the prophecies from the Christian Bible concerning the coming prophesied AntiChrist.

In fact, Pastor Farag himself says in this video that he believes that this 12th Imam Mahdi that the Muslims are looking for to come soon, is, in reality, the coming AntiChrist himself who is prophesied in the pages of the Christian Bible to come in the time AFTER the Rapture of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, without further explanation, I have posted directly below the link to this second part of this Bible message from Pastor Farag from this past Sunday, April 10th, 2011; **(and, a quick note here, in that, the sound in the following video is very low and very difficult to hear for approximately the first 30 seconds of this video; but, after the first approximately 30 seconds, from there on to the end of the video, the sound quality is good again)**:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")
Well, here is Pastor JD Farag, (who is the Pastor of The Calvary Chapel of Kaneohe.)

As a part of the weekly Sunday morning worship service at The Calvary Chapel of Kaneohe, Pastor Farag shares an update of current world news as to how that it relates to Bible Prophecy.

In the Sunday update from April 3rd, 2011, Pastor Farag talked briefly about a new Iranian-made End Times documentary video that goes into "bone-chilling" detail about the nation of Iran's involvement in End Times events, both now, and, in the future.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to that April 3rd, 2011 Bible Prophecy update from Pastor Farag:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello there everyone!

Hello there everyone!

My name is Steve.

I have been a saved, born-again believer in my Lord Jesus Christ for more than 28-and-one-half years now.

During my years as a saved Christian, my Lord has developed within me an **intense and deep interest** in the things of the End Times of our planet Earth that are talked about in the Bible.

I view pretty much everything in life and in the news from around the globe up against just HOW that it all relates to the End Times here upon this Earth.

Because I am **VERY EAGERLY** looking forward to the return of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Him to come and Rapture off of this Earth ALL of us who are His saved, born-again servants, I have been getting **more and more excited** as this year of 2011 rolls on, because, as we get deeper and deeper into this year of 2011, I see world events **everywhere** lining up **more and more all the time** with what is described in the Bible as to just what that the overall world conditions will be when the return of Jesus Christ to Rapture His Saints off of this planet Earth takes place.

Although the Bible clearly tells us that NO person knows the exact day and time that the Rapture will take place, the Bible DOES tell us that we can know that, when we see certain things happening around the world, that the Rapture could then happen **at any time at all**!!

Let me tell you that, in my humble Christian, Biblical opinion, from everything that I am now seeing taking place all around the world, that, (although, of course, I certainly do NOT know the exact date and time that it will happen), I am of the opinion that the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ could take place **AT ANY TIME NOW!!!!!**

So, in closing here, my main purpose in starting up this blog will be, (Lord willing), to mostly post links, (and brief descriptions of those links), to commentaries, videos, etc., that will talk about things such as different aspects of the Christian faith, world events and how that they relate to Bible Prophecy and the End Times, etc.

It is my prayer that the Lord will use this blog in a mighty way for HIS honor, and for HIS glory, and for HIS purposes, and all according to HIS will in every way!

Your Servant In Christ:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")