Monday, May 30, 2011

Bible Message on 2nd Chronicles, Chapter 20, Verses 1 through 30

And, here once again, is another Bible message from the recent Epicenter Conference that was held in Jerusalem, Israel.

In this message from the Word of God, (recorded live on May 16th, 2011), well known Bible teacher Kay Arthur shares a message from the Bible passage of 2nd Chronicles, Chapter 20, Verses 1 through 30 where she talks about the **utter and total importance** of totally trusting God Almighty Himself, (and NOT in ourselves), when the storms and the trials of this mortal life come against us who are born-again, saved believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this Bible message from Kay Arthur:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

May 30th, 2011 edition of "Nearing Midnight"

In this, today's edition of the Rapture Ready website's weekly cyber-newsletter "Nearing Midnight", there are two short commentary articles that are contained within this newsletter.

The first article, titled, "The Master Plan Gets a Good Trial Run", talks about how that everything surrounding the very recent failed prediction of the Rapture by the false prophet Harold Camping has brought a record amount of traffic to the Rapture Ready website itself.

And, the second article, titled, ""Rapture" at Center of End Times Storm", talks about how that the very recent failed Rapture prediction by false prophet Harold Camping has both shown us the lateness of the hour before the REAL Rapture of the church, (because of the HUGE amount of scoffing that it has caused), and, because the Lord has allowed, (THROUGH this anti-Biblical "Rapture predicting foolishness" by Harold Camping), the fact OF a real up-coming Rapture to be talked about and known about by **many more people** on the Earth, which MIGHT mean that this is the Lord's way of allowing a final "BIG flow of information" about the Rapture to occur upon the Earth BEFORE the **real and true Rapture** DOES  happen!

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the May 30th, 2011 edition of "Nearing Midnight":

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

"Mid-East Prophecy Update from 5-29-2011"

Here is the most recent edition of the "Mid-East Prophecy Update" from Pastor JD Farag, who is the senior pastor of The Calvary Chapel of Kaneohe.

In this week's Bible prophecy up-date, Pastor Farag talks about how that Almighty God brings natural disasters upon nations in judgment against their mis-treating of His chosen nation of Israel.

In the following video, Pastor Farag gives **example after example** from over these past approximately 20 years of history where, very soon after the United States of America's government does something to mis-treat and go AGAINST the nation of Israel, that Almighty God brings down His judgment upon the United States in the form of a specific natural disaster that happens TO the United States.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the 5-29-2011 edition of "Mid-East Prophecy Update":

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Sunday, May 29, 2011

"What Is Not Seen"

Here, in a message from the Word of God from the evening worship service at The Central Church of God from May 22nd, 2011, Pastor Loran Livingston preaches a powerful and encouraging Bible message in which he says that saved, born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ can have victory in their lives over things such as worry, doubts, fears, etc, WHEN they take their focus OFF of the temporary, passing away things of this world, and, when they focus instead ON the invisible, eternal things of God Himself.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link for this encouraging Bible message from Pastor Livingston:, May 22, 2011 Evening Message&vidId=1105

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher)

May 27th, 2011 edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report"

In this, the most recent edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report", Hal Lindsey mainly talked about the Biblically prophetic disagreements between United States President Barack Obama and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu concerning the possibilty of a future so-called "Palestinian state."

Hal Lindsey also talked briefly about the **HUGE** amount of weather disasters recently here in the United States, and, how that all of this played into Bible prophecy.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the May 27th, 2011 edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report":

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

"A Message of Warning for the Nations"

And here, once again, from the Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem, Israel, is another Bible prophecy message from the Word of Almighty God recorded live from back on May 15th, 2011.

In this Holy Spirit led and anointed message from the Bible book of Joel, Chapter 3,  Joel C. Rosenberg shares with us both a message of warning from Almighty God of His coming judgment upon all of the nations for their dividing up His chosen nation of Israel; but also, along with that, Joel Rosenberg also talks about God's **great and wonderful love** for ALL mankind, and, how that He wants all people to come to saving faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, without further explanation, here is this Bible prophecy message from Joel C. Rosenberg:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"A Message of Hope for Israel and the Church"

And, in another Bible message recorded live from the Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem, Israel back on May 15th, 2011, here is pastor Skip Heitzig sharing a message from the Word of Almighty God.

In this message from the Bible book of Joel, Chapter 2, Verses 18 through 32, pastor Heitzig preaches a powerful Bible prophecy message that mainly talks about the future dealings of Almighty God with His chosen nation of Israel, and, with the Jewish people.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this Biblically prophetic message by pastor Skip Heitzig:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Friday, May 27, 2011

"A Trumpet Call for Israel and the Church"

Here is a Bible message from Pastor Ray Bentley from the Epicenter Conference in Jerusalem, Israel that was recorded live back on May 15th, 2011.

In this message from the Word of Almighty God, Pastor Bentley shares a powerful Prophetic message from the book of Joel, Chapter 2, Verses 1 through 17, titled, "A Trumpet Call for Israel and the Church."

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this prophetic Bible message from Pastor Bentley:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")


Thursday, May 26, 2011

"His Covering"

Here once again is Pastor Loran Livingston of The Central Church of God, preaching another powerful, Holy Spirit led and empowered message from the Word of Almighty God.

In this Bible message from the morning worship service from this past Sunday, May 22nd, 2011, Pastor Livingston talks about the fact that Almighty God has made a perfect **COVERING** for man's sins from all the way back in time to the very first human beings, Adam and Eve, back in the Bible book of Genesis.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this clear and powerful Gospel message from Pastor Livingston:, May 22, 2011 Morning Message&vidId=1101

Steve -- (End Times Watcher)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 23rd, 2011 edition of "Nearing Midnight"

In this, the most recent edition of the Rapture Ready website's weekly cyber-newsletter, "Nearing Midnight", there are two short articles that are contained within this newsletter.

The first article, titled, "Obama's 1967 Borders Policy",  talks briefly about the fact that President Obama might be putting The United States of America in direct line for the severe judgment of God because of his wanting to divide up the nation of Israel, which is God's chosen nation.

And, the second article, titled, "God's Definition of Genius", talks briefly about two well known atheists, (Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Hawking), who, while they are viewed as wise by much of the world, in actuality, in the eyes of Almighty God, these two atheists are viewed as **utter and total fools!**

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link for the May 23rd, 2011 edition of "Nearing Midnight":

Steve -- (End Times Watcher)

Monday, May 23, 2011

"Mid-East Bible Prophecy Update from 5-22-2011"

Here once again is Pastor JD Farag, (who is the senior pastor of The Calvary Chapel of Kaneohe), sharing with us another weekly Bible Prophecy update.

In this week's update, Pastor Farag talks about the **utter swiftness** with which world events, (such as President Obama's trying to force a so-called "Palestinian state" down the throat of Israel), are happening whcih point towards the fact that the Rapture of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is probably **very near now!!**

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the 5-22-2011 edition of Pastor JD Farag's Mid-East Bible Prophecy Update:

Steve -- (End Times Watcher)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

"Prepare Your Heart and Mind"

Here, in the Sunday evening worship service at The Central Church of God from Sunday, May 15th, 2011, Pastor Loran Livingston preaches a Bible message from the Word of God about how that we who are saved children of Almighty God need to prepare our hearts and minds **God's Way** in order to successfully fight the spiritual battles that Satan and his demonic forces send our way.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this short and Holy Spirit empowered message by Pastor Livingston: 15 11 pm video_Central2.flv&vidTitle=Sunday Evening, May 15, 2011&vidId=1096

Steve -- (End Times Watcher)

May 22nd, 2011 edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report"

In this, the most recent edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report", Hal Lindsey talks about some of the very recent events in the Middle East, and, the current United States government's debt crisis, and, how that all of this relates to Bible Prophecy.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the May 22nd, 2011 edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report":

Steve -- (End Times Watcher)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Alive in Christ"

In the following Bible message from the Word of God from the Sunday morning, May 15th, 2011 worship service at The Central Church of God, Pastor Loran Livingston preaches an **excellent** message of comfort and hope for the truly saved believer in Christ that we are **ALIVE** in Christ, and, that in the mind of Almighty God, we are **already** seated in glory with Him!!

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this encouraging Bible message from Pastor Livingston: 11 15 video_Central2.flv&vidTitle=Sunday, May 15, 2011&vidId=1092

Steve -- (End Times Watcher)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Mid-East Prophecy Update from 5-15-2011"

Here once again is another Bible Prophecy update from Pastor JD Farag, who is the senior pastor of The Calvary Chapel of Kaneohe.

In this past Sunday's, (5-15-2011), edition of these updates, Pastor Farag talks more about the Biblically prophetic implications of the recent death of Osama Bin Laden, and, of all of the on-going geo-political turmoil in the Middle East.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this most recent edition of Pastor JD Farag's Mid-East Prophecy Updates:

Steve -- (End Times Watcher)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"Camping's Rapture Ruse"

In the following short, but also **excellent** commentary, Chris Mangan gives a brief but also Biblically in-depth explanation as to just WHY that Harold Camping, (the man who is predicting that the Rapture will happen on this coming Saturday, May 21st); indeed, Chris Mangan explains to us just WHY that Harold Camping is *actually* an un-Biblical **false prophet** and why that Camping is **NOT** any kind of a true Biblical prophet of God in any way at all.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this **excellent** commentary by Chris Mangan:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 16th, 2011 edition of "Nearing Midnight"

There are contained within this most recent issue of the "Rapture Ready" website's weekly cyber-newsletter, (titled "Nearing Midnight), two short commentary articles.

The first article, titled, "Why Harold Camping Will Likely Be Wrong about May 21, 2011", talks briefly about the fact that Jesus Christ Himself says that **no one** EXCEPT God the Father Himself knows **the exact date** that the up-coming Rapture of the Church will take place, and that this specific date-setting for the Rapture by Harold Camping is NOT Biblical.

And, the second article, titled, "Recognizing Israel", talks about the fact that all of this anti-Israel sentiment all around the world is really and truly based and rooted in Satan's demonic hatred of the nation of Israel.

So, without further explanation,  directly below is the link to the May 16th, 2011 edition of "Nearing Midnight":

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Friday, May 13, 2011

"Move Forward"

Here, in the Sunday morning worship service at The Central Church of God, Pastor Loran Livingston preaches a Bible message from the Word of God concerning the subject of forgiveness.

Preaching mainly from the Bible passage in Matthew, Chapter 11, Verses 28 through 30, Pastor Livingston tells us that we as Christians CAN **move forward** in our Christian lives WHEN we give our hurts and pains and offenses that others have committed against us, and, when we give all of this hurt and pain, etc., TO Jesus and, when we choose to *truly* forgive the offending person(s) from our hearts, THEN, we can enjoy the peace and the joy that God *will* give to us when we choose to obey Him, and, when we choose to forgive others.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this Bible message about Christian forgiveness by Pastor Loran Livingston: 08 11 video_Central2_002.flv&vidTitle=Sunday, May 8, 2011&vidId=1088

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Monday, May 9, 2011

"The Prophetic Implications of Osama Bin Laden's Death"

Well, Pastor JD Farag, (who is the pastor of The Calvary Chapel of Kaneohe), as a part of his preaching in the Sunday morning worship services at that church, shares a weekly update of current world news and how that it relates to Bible Prophecy.

The topic of this week's Prophecy update is the Biblically prophetic implications of the recent death of Al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the May 8th, 2011 Prophecy Update by Pastor JD Farag:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

May 9th, 2011 edition of "Nearing Midnight" newsletter

In this, today's edition of the Rapture Ready website's weekly cyber-newsletter, (titled "Nearing Midnight"), there are two short commentary articles that are contained within this newsletter.

The first article, titled, "Rewriting the Record Books", talks about how that the **wild weather** that we have been having here in the United States recently, (with the massive outbreak of tornadoes in the South last month, the current horrific flooding along the Mississippi River, etc.); indeed, the article talks about how that this **wild weather** is a BIG sign that we ARE in the End Times that happen right before the Rapture of the Church and the up-coming terrible seven-year Tribulation Period that Jesus Christ talked about in the Bible.

And, the second article, titled, "Osama's Death and Christian Reaction", talks about what the *proper reaction* to the recent death of Al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden should be for a Born-again, saved Christian.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the May 9th, 2011 edition of "Nearing Midnight":

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 6th, 2011 edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report"

Here, in the most recent edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report", Hal Lindsey, (among other things), talks in depth about the very recent killing of Al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the May 6th, 2011 edition of this Report:

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Saturday, May 7, 2011

"When Trouble Comes Your Way"

And here, in the evening worship service from this past Sunday, May 1st, 2011, Pastor Loran Livingston preaches a Bible message in which he tells us, (from Psalm 56),  that, for all saved, born-again children of Him, that Almighty God IS **a strong and secure refuge** to Whom we can run to in our times of trouble and find everything that we DO need, in Him!

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this powerful and encouraging Bible message from Pastor Livingston:, May 1, 2011 Evening Message&vidId=1084

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

"Afraid of What?"

Well, once again, here is Pastor Loran Livingston preaching another encouraging message from the Word of Almighty God, (the Bible.)

Here, during the morning worship service at The Central Church of God from this past Sunday, May 1st, 2011, Pastor Livingston preaches about the fact that Almighty God is **totally** in control, and **totally** sovereign in **everything** that happens in the lives of His born-again, saved children, and, because of the wonderful fact that the Bible clearly teaches that God is working "all things together for our good" and, for His glory, we as His saved children really do have **nothing to fear** in our lives here upon this mortal Earth.

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to this encouraging Bible message by Pastor Livingston:, May 1, 2011 Morning Message&vidId=1076

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")

Sunday, May 1, 2011

April 29th, 2011 edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report"

Here, in the most recent edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report", Hal Lindsey talks about current world events and how that they relate to Bible Prophecy.

Near the beginning of this week's broadcast, especially in light of the events that are currently happening in the Middle East, Hal Lindsey says the following: -- "Folks, the End Times prophecies are literally exploding before our eyes. That tells me that the Rapture of the Church is even closer than we dared believe! That's why it's so important to be prepared for that day." 

So, without further explanation, directly below is the link to the April 29th, 2011 edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report":

Steve -- ("End Times Watcher")